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Scaling Tips

How to Move
Scaling Tip

how to move scaling tip 1
how to move scaling tip 2 how to move scaling tip 3


Product Name Power Setting Remarks
PI-101L implantitis scaler tip PI-101L 0.1-3 Implantitis Scaler Tips made with Titanium 0.4mm diameter
PI-101R implantitis scaler tip PI-101R 0.1-3 Implantitis Scaler Tips made with Titanium 0.4mm diameter
PI02-L implantitis scaler tip PI-102L 0.1-3 Enac implantitis scaler tips ball PI-102 in useImplantitis Scaler Tips Ball made with Titanium 1.2mm diameter
PI02-R implantits scaler tip PI-102R 0.1-3 Implantitis Scaler Tips Ball made with Titanium 1.2mm diameter
ENAC tip ST33 ST33 0.1-5 ENAC tip in use

Same shape as a hand scaler
Double-edged scaler

ENAC ST08 ST08 0.1-7 Scaling on cervical and interproximal surfaces
ENAC tip ST13 ST13 0.1-7 Scaling mainly on lingual surfaces
ENAC tip ST35 ST35 0.1-7 Power-up type
Scaling of 2-3 mm subgingival calculus
ENAC tip ST45 ST45 0.1-7 Scaling mainly on the distal side of molars
ENAC tip ST07 ST07 0.1-7 Scaling of subgingival hard calculus on anterior and posterior teeth
ENAC tip ST14 ST14 0.1-7 Scaling of subgingival hard calculus
ENAC tip ST15 ST15 0.1-7 Scaling on lingual and labial surfaces
ENAC tip ST20 ST20 0.1-7 Scaling on lingual and labial surfaces
Scaling of subgingival calculus
tip ST 109B pointed scaling tip ST109B 1-5 Pointed scaling tip